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A selection of art pieces from our painting unit last half term! All of our students will have their paintings displayed at our art exhibition in May.


Please tell Angie we miss her immensely and that we hope she is settling in well!


Y1 have been taking a closer look into the different parts and tastes of apples in their DT lesson today. This is all in preparation for their fruit salads later in the term!


A massive thank you to for providing an amazing drawing/printing workshop for our Y5 students yesterday, they were extremely engaged throughout.


Y1 have been using a variety of different tools to see which one is best for painting within a boundary line. A great art lesson of experimenting and our students being able to reach conclusions on their own.


Y2 have braved the cold and have been learning all about nature art at today.


Y5 have been cooking up a storm in the DT room making some delicious chunky vegetable soup. Just what is needed as the weather is turning colder.


It was ‘BERRY’ nice to meet Pudsey bear today to hear all about the great charity . Some of our children got a lucky invitation to bake some delicious cupcakes with the lovely jam company, they were scrumptious!


Our Y6 artists have been taking their observational skills to the next level and started on their 1:1 scale drawings of their school bags. We will share the outcomes with you next week!


Our reception artists enjoyed a ‘Kandinsky’ art lesson of letting the music guide their lines and shapes on their paper. Lots of eyes closed so they could fully be immersed in the experience.


Y2 have been working on the visual element of line this half term and worked collaboratively to create owl feathers using different media.


Our Y6 students, as part of their DT lesson, went on a walk this afternoon to find a variety of freshly baked bread within our local community. We found Turkish Pide, sourdough, Jamaican sweet bread, Jamaican fruit bun and a delicious three cheese Colombian loaf!


Our new reception children had their first art lesson with Ms Tarr where they were learning all about the visual element line. Their skills were put to the test when designing hairstyle for their new teachers. They look fabulous!!


A trip to the park today for our holiday WRAPZters, they are a wild bunch!


Day 3 at holiday WRAPZ and still so much to do!!


A HUGE thank you to Friends of Philip Lane (FOPL) who have kindly brought some much needed games for WRAPZ holiday club. They have been thoroughly enjoyed!


Year 6 had a wonderful time at Walthamstow Wetlands, walking, bird-spotting, sketching and enjoying the peace and tranquility of nature.


What an AMAZING concert we had today showcasing the incredible steel pans for our year groups 3-6! Here is a little snippet from HPAPL steel pan club.


Chessington 2023 is over! We're on our way back to school after an outstanding day of excitement.

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Academy Admissions

Welcome to the Harris Academy Philip Lane Admissions information page.

We are delighted to resume school tours for prospective parents. Please see the next date and time below and fill in the form to book your place as spaces are limited. Additional dates will be added, please check back here and keep an eye on our social media.

Our next tour dates are: 

  • Thursday 09/01/2025 at 10am

Our full policy, with details of our admissions criteria, can be downloaded from further down the page.  A brief summary of the application procedure follows.

Admissions Outline

We have 60 places available in Reception each year. 

When considering applications, children with a Statement of Special Education Needs that names the Academy or those with Educational Healthcare (EHC) Plans will be admitted first and under different regulations.

If there are more than 60 applications, Looked After and Former Looked After Children will be admitted first, followed by children who the Harris Trust accepts have an exceptional medical or social need for a place at the school. Supporting evidence in the form of a written statement from a doctor, social worker or other relevant independent professionals will need to be provided.

Children with siblings at the Academy will be prioritised next, and all remaining places will be distributed on the basis of proximity between home and school, with children who live closest to our Academy on Philip Lane being prioritised.

Admission to the Nursery does not guarantee admission to the Academy’s Primary provision and a separate application must be made for admission to the Reception year group. 

You can read our full admissions policy below.

To apply for a place, you will need to name the Academy on Haringey Council’s Common Application Form. More details can be found here.

If you do not live in Haringey, you should name the Academy on the Common Application Form of the borough in which you live.


In Year Applications

We sometimes have places available for children in other year groups. If you have recently moved to the area or would like to apply for a place at Philip Lane outside the normal time of transfer between schools, please contact the academy office directly and we will provide you with an in-year pupil enrolment form.

Alternatively, you can download the form from below and return it to the academy office as soon as possible. We will then arrange a school tour and a 1:1 meeting with the Head of Academy.

You are welcome to contact our Admissions Officer if you have any questions.


Academy Admissions Contact Details

Telephone: 0208 808 3231
Address: Harris Primary Academy Philip Lane, Philip Lane,  London, N15 4AB


Reception Applications

Applications for places in Reception should be made on the home Local Authority’s Common Application Form. These are accessible on the LA’s website and should be submitted in accordance with the LA’s published deadlines for applications (normally early to mid-January before the academic year in which the child is eligible for entry).

Reception Key Dates  
 15 January 2025 Application Deadline
16 April 2025 The local authority will contact parents to inform them if they have been successful in applying for a place
30 April 2025 Deadline for parents to accept the offered place.
20 May 2025 Appeal deadline
September 2025

Waiting lists closed and replaced by casual admissions waiting lists, Parents/Carers will need to re-apply as a casual admission, if still waiting. The casual admission application is to be submitted to Haringey Council. 

January 2026

All waiting lists will be cleared on the first day of term in January, and parents seeking a place after this date or in any other year group must submit an in-year application for admission which will be processed in accordance with the procedure set out above.

For Parents/Carers who Wish to Appeal

Parent(s) may wish to appeal against the Academy’s decision on admissions based on the published admissions criteria.

If you wish to appeal, you must fill in the Appeals Form below. You can attach to your appeals form any relevant documents and or a letter with information and evidence that you feel supports your case.

All appeals must be made in writing to the Clerk to the Appeal Panel at Harris Primary Academy Philip Lane, Philip Lane, Tottenham, London, N15 4AB or at using the appeals form by the 20th May 2025. All appeals will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals. 

The appeals will be heard, in private, by an Independent appeal Panel. The Clerk to the Appeal Panel will make an appointment within a reasonable time and appeals may be made in English or the Parents’/Carers’ first language.

• Only one appeal per application is allowed.

• Appeals are conducted in person, and you may bring a friend. 

The Appeal Hearing

The Academy will arrange for an Independent Appeals Panel to consider the Academy's reasons for refusal and your reasons for wanting to attend the Academy.  

The Panel will consist of 3 people (2 will have education experience and one will be an independent person with no education experience).

The Panel will consider the case put forward by you and the Academy. They must consider the admission arrangements for the Academy and the reasons why you want to attend that particular school.  The Panel must exercise its discretion by balancing the weight of your argument (for wanting to attend) against the Academy’s reasons for refusal i.e. the prejudice that one more student would cause to the education of the students already offered and the Health and Safety of all the students already attending the Academy, also taking into account the Academy's published admission arrangements.  

The decision of the Independent Appeals Panel is binding on the admissions authority and the Parents.


Additional supporting information

Information on appeals good practice can be found here.

If an appellant wishes to submit further evidence, which was not included with their initial appeal, they should ensure this is received at least seven clear working days (not counting the day of postage or the hearing) in advance of your appeal.   

Only a short document, such as a doctor’s letter not previously available, will be accepted up to five clear working days prior to the hearing.  Any additional evidence or information received after this deadline will not be circulated and may not be considered at the hearing
